Monday, July 20, 2009

Our New Temple

The Oquirrh Mountain Temple

On July 7th we took the kids to the open house for the new Oquirrh mountain temple. They were awed by the chance to go "inside" the temple. We wanted them to have a good experience so we took them first thing in the morning 8:00 sharp when it opened. We were one of the first people there, so there was no waiting in lines or pushing through the crowds. Plus it was very quiet and peaceful as there were very few people in the temple at the time. We were able to take our time and show the kids each room. At the Celestial Room we paused for a while and stood quietly after we explained this room to the kids. As we stood there little Max started toddling off and the girls giggled as they watched. It was so quiet and to listen to their little giggles just sounded like music! I couldn't help reflect how perfect these little kids really are and how they just seemed to fit in that room. I'm sure Heavenly Father just loves children and heaven wouldn't be heaven without the sound of little children.
Lynn and I have been able to return since then to help volunteer. We were given the opportunity to address the visitors in the Sealing Room (#5 was our little room). Lynn explained to visitors the purpose of the temple and especially the sealing power of the priesthood. I was asked to share my feelings, which I was very nervous about. I could not think of what I would say, my mind just drew a blank all the way up to the time we were stationed at our room. But as we watched the first group of visitors come in, there were a couple of families with their little children bringing them to see the "inside" of their first temple. I couldn't help but think of our experience bringing our kids and I finally knew what I would say. It was a very special experience. I felt the Lords spirit there. I'm so grateful and humbled to have been given such an amazing assignment. It has renewed my heart and increased my love for the temple and what it means to my family.


  1. That is amazing, good for you guys! I always say I don't have time to serve with all my little ones, but I have to say that seeing you makes me ashamed of myself! I need to get out and serve more! I'm so proud of you guys! We're going the first of Aug, the last day it's open I think, and I'm so excited.

  2. That's awesome. What lucky little children they are to have such humble, amazing parents. You guys inspire me to want to try harder. OH YEAH and I'm thinkin it's family picture time for you guys. If you go to JC Penney's one more time we're gonna have to have a little chat. So just call me. XOXO
