Thursday, March 26, 2009

Max is Crawling!

Max has been attempting to crawl for a few months now. He's been going backwards. He's been rocking on all fours. He's been lifting his hands and feet individually. But the coordination to move forward finally clicked last night. He went into the bathroom, opened the bottom drawer, and proceeded to empty out the drawer of its contents. Time to lock all doors and drawers! This is a little show of Max's first steps...or scoots...or whatever you call crawling!

Monday, March 23, 2009

RSV Season

Little Max had a rough week with RSV and ear infections sending him to the hospital on Monday. He started Saturday morning with a fever and couldn't sleep Sunday night. His ten minute naps weren't enough to let any one sleep. So it was off to the doctor's office first thing Monday morning. There they discovered his oxygen level was low so they sent us straight to Primary Children's Hospital in an ambulance. There he stayed for the next four days. Poor guy wouldn't even crack a smile until Wednesday evening when he finally sat up and looked around at his surroundings. We're so glad to have him back home with us.
Too bad we are now having a repeat of last week with Allee today. Thankfully she's not headed to the hospital, however. But another long Sunday night and an early trip to the doctor's office this morning has her on antibiotics for her ears. At least she's smiling again! All this and more brought to us by RSV Season!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Orange is out, Purple is in

Dani and I headed to the doctors office this morning for her much anticipated change of casts. The big question on everyones mind has been "What color will she choose?" We were all betting on blue. But of course Dani tricked us all and pulled out purple. She said it tickled as they cut the cast off with a little circle saw. And she didn't bat an eye as she moved her castless arm around. But as they were in the process of wrapping the purple onto her arm, our tough little girl closed her eyes and slumped forward... She had passed out! The nurses said it was not unusual for kids to pass out when they change casts. So no harm done. After a nice drink of cold water and instructions to eat a snack, we headed home to show everyone her big surprise. Purple is now the styling color!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We are just getting started. Took us long enough? Well, let's introduce ourselves then. I am Amy and I am married to my sweetheart Lynn. We have three beautiful girls (Marissa-8, Danielle-5,& Allee-3) plus our little man (Maxwell). We live in Magna. We moved in the day we were married and have loved it so much we've been here ever since. We just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary this past December. Our little family has grown so fast these last few years. They keep us young. Or maybe they've given us a few gray hairs - I can't decide which! There never is a dull moment though.
I, of course, am the stay-at-home mom, cook, maid, wife, ect. Lynn works at Deluxe printing as a training coordinater. He hit 10 years with the company last year. He always has some project he's working on around the house. The latest was putting in a new water heater, furnice, laundryroom, and office space. It's nice to have a good fix-it-all-man. Marissa is an excellant student in 2nd grade. She is a little social butterfly who loves her friends. She was just baptised at the beginning of this year, we are so proud of her. Dani is looking forward to beginning Kindergarten this Fall. She is already a good reader and will be more than ready for Kindergarten. She loves her long hair and often tries to fix it herself with pretty flowers or barrets. Allee is our littlest princess. She has fun at preschool, but can't wear anything but a dress. She loves to dance and sing around the house like a little ballerina. Max is all boy. He is so fun to watch as he stretches a wiggles to get objects just out of reach. It's almost like he's doing everything he can to avoid crawling. His dad especially appreciates having another little man in the house. So now we can do some journalling of our events in our blog, so stay tuned for upcoming events!